In 2010, a global public company in the resource sector retained Dean’s firm to protect its core foreign investment situated in a West African nation. The local authorities had taken unjustified measures to cancel licenses that they had previously granted to the company. There was probative evidence that the client’s competitors colluded with the local authorities to cancel the licenses.
Dean’s firm devised a global litigation strategy in response to the crisis. The plan of action contemplated transnational litigation on multiple fronts in mature markets where there is judicial independence, the prospect for a fair hearing and fundamental respect for the safeguarding of property rights.
Ultimately, the pressure exerted against the client subsided. This gave the client the opportunity to enter into a settlement agreement that preserved the client’s rights to a significant portion of its foreign investment.
Throughout this case, Dean’s firm served as outside general counsel. The firm took up an intermediary position in relation to in-house counsel and the team of specialists assembled to bring forward all relevant background material. On the one hand, Dean’s firm participated in the process of reporting to inside general counsel on all major initiatives taken in the clients’ defense. On the other hand, the firm directed the research and analysis carried out by lawyers from various jurisdictions who explored the options for effective legal action.